Andy Hendryx

I was raised by godly parents and attended church as a child. As a teenager and young person I questioned the church and belief system that I knew. Going to university I started drinking just to get drunk or to handle problems or be cool. The drinking continued even though warning signs were given. (car crashes, arrest public drunk, etc.)

I graduated from university with a teaching degree and taught a bit over one year before realising I was not mature enough to be teaching other people. I worked several different jobs trying to find some place I belonged. I ended up rooming with a friend that I had grown up with and had used to party with, but he had changed. He had quit drinking and went to church but he was also reading and studying the Bible and working to become someone better. He introduced me to the hot-rod preacher and his family who all helped me and studied the Bible with me and prayed for me. In the late 1970’s I was baptised into Christ-his death and resurrection, and His Church-assembly/fellowship.

From that time I have continued to try and learn more about the Bible and what it means for me. I attended a Bible Preaching school and I have worked/preached at different churches. I have worked as a teacher, camp leader, a school chaplain and a chaplain with Disaster Relief Ministries. I have also served as scout leader, a district councillor with local council, a volunteer ambulance officer and local service organisations. I am still studying and learning more about God and spirit and the plan he has for me.

In 1985 I married a Christian lady from Australia and we migrated to Australia in 1990. We have retired to a lifestyle village in Encounter Bay, South Australia. We are working with two church congregations trying to help others to grow while we also grow closer to God.

You can contact Andy at