Army Christian Services

There’s a saying, “the truth hurts” which is often used when people are confronted with a painful reality they’ve been striving to ignore. The truth hurts but it also heals us and sets us free. In this message based on the opening 8 verses of Mark gospel we are confronted with the uncomfortable truth of our wilderness and points us to the one who can heal us, get us back on track and set us free. We hope that you will be challenged and encouraged by this message.

The idea of setting goals to achieve objectives is something we all do. We set plans for holidays, relationships, possessions, retirement plans etc. In this Bible message we look at how the Apostle Paul urges us to set our hearts on the reward of rewards. In listening to this message yiu will be encouraged to run the race of life for the everlasting prize of an eternity crowned and reigning with Christ..

As Christians we are called to live out our faith. Sometimes though we struggle to know what it means to live an ethical life compatible with our Christian faith. In this Service we are reminded what it means to act justly, to show kindness and to walk with humility so that we would show the characteristics in our lives that Jesus Christ exemplified so well for us.

As Christians we are free and in our freedom we are called into God’s service to serve God and to love others. This is a responsibility that demands service, sacrifice, commitment and a willingness to be stretched and grow out of our comfort zone for the cause of Christ.

Join us for this Christian Service to learn about what it means to live free and to use that freedom in service to God.

In the Christian Church there are many forms of leadership including: Elders, Deacons, Ministers, and various committees and boards. However, we often overlook the critically important leadership of the individual. Whilst group leadership will always be extremely important the fact is that no matter what others may or may not do in their realm of leadership, there will always be the important need for self-initiated activity.

For most of us this necessity of work, labour or employment continues, so that we can provide for our needs and the needs of those who depend on us. Whilst many of us may wish or dream of a life of leisure free from the burden and necessity of work. When we look at it from a proper perspective we will actually see that God has always intended for work, labour and employment as our friend and preserver. So join us for this Christian Service as we learn what God’s word reveals to us about Employment.

As Christians we have the challenge to improve ourselves so that we can lead better and more noble lives. God’s plan for Christian betterment is constantly seen in the Bible with scriptures like: Hebrews 6:1 “Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity.” As Christians we are called to make a conscious effort of self-improvement. Join us for this Christian Service as we look at what the Bible has to say to us about the important topic of Self Improvement.

Jesus words in John 10:10 “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” In other words Jesus came so that we could live abundantly. Abundant living is the art of living life to its fullest. As Christians we have the responsibility of making the most of our lives. The Bible tells us exactly how we go about doing just that. Instructing us on what pitfalls and snares we need to avoid that can hinder us from living life to the fullest, and also give us the guidance and the wisdom of the things we must nurture, embrace and cultivate in our lives to live our best lives possible. So join us for this Christian Service to learn from the Bible how we can truly live abundantly. God Bless.

God gives us gifts, abilities and talents to use in order to prosper in this life. In the parable of the talents, the one given 10 talents and the one given 5 talents both doubled what they were given. However, the servant that was given one talent buried it and did not increase the Masters wealth. He did not even put the money in the bank to gain interest. God referred to that man as wicked. As a result, God gave the one talent to the one who had 10 talents. Therefore those who have much and reap a reward, receive more and those that have little, what little they have will be taken away from them.

Unquestionably, without exception, as Christians, adversity is going to hit us. It is how we handle adversity that matters. Many Christians respond to God when they are rock bottom however, there are contrary winds because we often forget about the Lord when things are going well. This is a trap and will limit our growth as Christians.

From the beginning in the garden of Eden, God has appointed labour or work as a necessary part of life. In the book of Genesis 2:15 it says “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work and take care of it.” For most of us this necessity of work, labour or employment continues, so that we can provide for our needs and the needs of those who depend on us.

Come on a spiritual journey with Chaplain Kyung Ee, as we seek to understand our true calling and inheritance. Paul prayed for us to walk into the perfection of Christ, which is spiritual maturity, being fitted out and equipped for ministry. Become a fisher of men under our great Shepherd and be His ambassador. Be restored and become the man or woman you are meant to be! Enjoy this message.

We all consider it a great honour and privilege to have friends and be popular. However it is not necessarily a dishonour to have enemies. As Christians we need to understand that we will meet with opposition and persecution as we stand for the things of God: righteousness, morality, virtues, ethics and the truth, and as we stand opposed the things of the world such as: sin, corruption, perversion and lies. This will put us at odds with people that believe differently to us.

Proverbs tell us that an unfriendly person comes to selfish ends. Unsound judgment starts quarrels. One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin. However, there is a friend who sticks by like a brother.

The Bible has plenty to say about problematic friends. Friends are one of God’s great blessings. Friends are a reflection of one’s own worthiness and a means of help in our inadequacy. Friends are a precious responsibility. Therefore we have the problem of choosing friends, of making and holding friends. Good friendship weather’s the storms of life. Become a true friend. Enjoy this message.

To those who have been given much, much will be required. With that comes great responsibility to share God’s love and to be a good steward. That includes sharing our gifts, talent and wealth, to be there for our family and friends and to live out our own walk with God. Time can get away from all of this and this can be a great problem in our walk. That requires us to know our own frailty and to understand the measure and number of our days. By looking after ourselves and our walk with God, we certainly can do just that. God forgives and he will work out all things for our good.  Make a difference in your life today!

A sign of the Christmas season everywhere is Christmas trees, Santa Claus and carols. However, the story of Christmas is all about Jesus. He is the reason for the season. He is the reason why we celebrate. People can be busy and get wrapped up in Christmas business that they can be distracted from the true reason for the Season. We need to use the tools we have been given to get people thinking about the gospel – including music and the World Wide Web. Enjoy this message.

We have plenty to be thankful for. Sometimes we celebrate with a gathering or a feast. We need to do all all to the praise and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks for everything to the Father. People need appreciation and respect. However, people can use harsh words and are totally unthankful. We need to put everything in perspective. What is important to us? Are we thankful for our spouse? Why can people be so negative? Why do we complain? We need help. The answer is in Christ.

Worry, fretfulness, anxiety or lack of care are factors that we need to overcome. Otherwise, worry can overcome us. Either we can be harassed or hindered with worry or live a life of satisfaction and faith. We need to reconcile these truths in our lives. There will be outside influences in our mood such as anxiety and gloom. But we do not need to open our hearts to the pressures that torment us. We are creatures of habit. Do not be depressed – seek Him. Change your thinking. Have faith! Be an overcomer! Trust in the Lord.