Contrary Winds

Unquestionably, without exception, as Christians, adversity is going to hit us. It is how we handle adversity that matters. Many Christians respond to God when they are rock bottom however, there are contrary winds because we often forget about the Lord when things are going well. This is a trap and will limit our growth as Christians.

Think of Joseph, Job or David. These champions of faith went through great adversity yet conquered at the end of the day. Joseph had a dream that he would rule his brothers. As a response they sold Joseph into slavery and he went to prison multiple times for adverse circumstances where allegations about him were simply not true. One example was Potiphar’s wife who cried out rape when Joseph acted true to the Lord in integrity. Yet Joseph was right in the eyes of God and later become second in charge over all of Egypt.

Job became a target of Satan’s accusations before the Lord. Satan wanted to sift Job into sin to show that Job was righteous only because The LORD provided so much for him. Job lost property, animals and children all at the same time. Physically, Job was struck with tremendous boils and sickness. As a response, Job went before the Lord in sackcloth and ashes. His wife insisted he curse God and die. His friends naturally insinuated that Job had angered the Lord and that God was punishing him for his great sins. However, it was actually his friends that needed to repent! Because of how Job handled adversity, the LORD ultimately restored Job’s health and gave many more children and an abundance over twice what he had before.

There are many ways that adversity can hit us. Let us be reminded that if we endure through trials, act with utmost integrity before the LORD, and are champions of the faith, we ultimately will be commended before our God and restored for our conduct. Do not let the riches of this World entice you away from the Lord. If things go well, continue to praise our great God and do not let past circumstances such as death or disappointments hinder your comprehension of our great God. Be faithful, for he will shower you with honour and gifts as we act in accordance to his word and fight the good fight amongst trials in our pilgrimage journey.